We are pleased to announce that our ipad/iphone App is now available to download from the App Store (simply search for “Futurestechs”).
We would like to invite you (client or otherwise) to download the App.
We are running a 2 week Free Trial Period when you can look at all the reports (After that access will be limited to 1 “sample” report per day).
We would ask that you pass this e-mail on to any friends or colleagues who you think may be interested.
Also any reviews of the App would be most helpful and appreciated, so if you like it please take the time to add a review to the App store.
As you can see from the screen grabs below (click on them for a full size view) the reports look really good on the ipad and, thanks to our friends at wordflow, navigating around the App and finding the reports you want is really easy.
Anyone who decides to subscribe will also be given free access to our Website Member’s Area (in case the kids are hogging the ipad!!) where all the reports are also posted daily.