in company News

Exciting Developments at FuturesTechs

We are living in interesting times, market-wise, and Technical Analysis continues to thrive in this environment.
We’ve been keeping busy in recent months here at FuturesTechs Mews, apart from when it comes to postings like this, so here’s an update of interesting developments with our Company and Product:
In January we moved offices to Billericay, a very nice place indeed, even it is the closest town centre to Dale Farm!
We welcome Liam Roberts on board. He has been trading for 3 years now, mostly using Technical Analysis, and has made a smooth transition into writing about the markets as well.
We have teamed up with worldflow Research Distribution to release an ipad/iphone App, due out in mid October, where all of our reports can be viewed and saved onto your gadget. We are Beta testing this right now but can report that the daily analysis looks great in this format. This is a very exciting development and we hope it will open us up to a much wider readership.
We have now have a Bloomberg terminal on our desk. As well as giving us access to a host of new Technical Analysis tools this has allowed us to be a lot more hands on with our Institutional Customers, who are receiving regular IB “blasts” from us through the day now. If you are on Bloomie and wish to be added please look us up!
We are also doing a lot more on Twitter, and now have over 500 followers. We are @FuturesTechs
Our ever increasing Twitter following has been aided by the marketing efforts of our new friends at, where we are posting a daily report now.
We continue to work closely with FirstCall Market Squawk, and highly recommend them if you are looking for a Squawk service.
Clive is still appearing regularly on CNBC, usually on Wednesday afternoons just after the bell, so watch out for that.
He is also getting busy with training: See below.
“Intro” Training Course – 13th October – London
It’s been a busy few months on the training front, with a number of firms bringing Clive in to teach new graduate intakes and the like.
On Thursday (22nd September) Clive is speaking at the annual IFTA Conference (the annual gathering of the great and good of the Technical Analysis world) in Sarajevo.
On October 4th he is in Amsterdam with CME Group for their School of Agricultural Futures.
On October 13th he is at 7City Learning for a 1 day “Introduction to Technical Analysis” course. This is a public course, so if you are interested in attending please click here for details and to register, mentioning FuturesTechs when doing so.
FuturesTechs’ customers can secure a £100 discount, so mail us on if you wish to attend.